Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas

So much has happened since my last post; I thought it would be fun to post a wrap up before the Christmas weekend. My husband and I just moved into our first/new house and it has been wonderful! I still have a few boxes to unpack, but I'm settling in pretty well. I also completed the requirements for my Master of Science degree in Health Care Administration this week (hooray!!!). UMUC only has one commencement service so I'll have to wait until May to walk the stage, but hey, I'm done so it's all good. I am contemplating whether to take the doctoral program next year. I reeeeaaally need a break, but I would like to keep going while I have some steam. I suppose I still have time to decide. My hair is doing well and growing like wildfire. I'll be meeting with a new loctician for a consultation soon so I'm definitely excited about that. My friend napptical1 also found a new loctician so I'm happy for her. I feel bad that things didn't work out with the loctician who started my SLs, but I'm entitled to seek other options so I guess that's that. I hope to post some new pictures before the weekend. I'm heading to NY for Christmas so I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and give you His peace this Christmas!