Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Retightening Update Part II

I've been seeing a new SL Loctician (thank you CloudNine) and I'm very happy to report that the time for my retightening has reduced from 13 hours to 7. My locks in the back are retightened fairly quickly; the locks in the front and sides are the culprits. They are really small and take more time to work with. It doesn't help that I am very tenderheaded in the front either. But hey, I'll take that over 13 hours of sitting anyday. The best part is that I don't have to take the day off for appointments. This Thursday will be my 8th month anniversary and I would really like to take the retightning class (I didn't get to take the class in December). The training class will be offered in Baltimore on March 3rd and June 16th. I haven't decided which one to register for. Is anyone planning to take the training soon?
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Abena Abena said...

Well HAPPY (soon to be) ANNIVERSARY! How many locks do you have, 13 hours is a long time? Well I am glad you found a loctician that cut that time in half, WHEW!!!!

TwoIslandsGirl said...

Thank you!!! I'm looking forward to celebrating my one yr anniversary, but I'll really celebrate once I can pull my hair into a complete ponytail. I have 688 locks, which seems to be alot more than what most people have. I asked for mediums but was told that I actually have smalls.