What is the reason for the happy look on my face??? Can you guess??? Yep, you guessed it, I had my hair retightened. Guess how long it took??? Four hours!!! How awesome is that? I had the pleasure of visiting a mother/daughter Sisterlocks Retightening team in my area and they finished my hair in four hours. They estimated that it should only take 3 hours during my next visit. They both have Sisterlocks and their hair is absolutely beautiful. They recommended combining some of the tiny locks around my hairline, for fear that they may break off. I agreed since I have already lost two (yep, two) locks on my right side. I still plan to take the retightening class in June, just so that I can learn the technique and do my front rows. Thanks so much for all of the encouragement. I look forward to continuing to provide updates. Three more months to go until my one year anniversary. I'm still counting down the days to wearing a nice long ponytail!
I'm so happy to read things are working out better for you. Your locks look wonderful.
Praise God!!!! I am so happy for you!
Still looking good :)
Praise God!!!! I am so happy for you!!!
Still looking good :)
I'm glad to read that your retightening session went better this time and that you've found other consultants to work with. As your locks settle and mature the retightening times should level off. Especially if you maintain a regular schedule. I had several locks around my hairline combined too. I've also lost a few there especially at the temple area. Your locks are look good! Stay encouraged.
I'm happy for you. Did both ladies work on your hair at the same time?
Your locs look outstanding! You are so beautiful! Stay sweet!
Congrats on the reduced time on your retightening. I know you're happy!!!!
Beautiful locks and very nice head shots. You'll have a full head of healthy locks before long.
Glad things worked out for you. You really look happy and at peace.
Wonderful!!! I'm glas you found someone who could tighten your locks quicker plus save you time and money. Your locs look great.
Island Girl I just found your blog. Your locks look great!
Visit mine anytime.
I have a lot of friends from Granada, I'm a island girl myself.
Be blessed.
Thank you ladies. I so appreciate the encouragement. I'm pushing forward to my one yr anniversary next month!
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